An Alpha

Becoming a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity requires an investment of your personal time, talents, and money.  We accept those who openly value knowledge, achievement, service, integrity, honor and community.

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An Alpha

The members of the Beta Sigma Lambda chapter seek to uphold the high standards of our Fraternity and serve the communities in which we live.  Each member has their own diverse skill set with which they serve the community.

Chapter Members

Apply for a

We proudly announce the availability of scholarships for graduating high school seniors attending public or private schools in Connecticut through the BSL Educational Foundation. The scholarship is a $1,000 one-time grant for the freshman year.

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Lambda Chapter

Beta Sigma Lambda, Hartford, CT was founded in 1940.  For over 78 years, we have worked diligently to improve the conditions of individuals in the GREATER HARTFORD area by honoring or motto “FIRST of all, servants of all, we shall transcend all.”  It boasts a membership that is active in business, education, medicine, politics, religion, and public service.

About Us

Chapter Programs

We look to affect change in both our young people as well as the community they reside in.  All youth have great potential. It’s to that end that we help to build the skills and confidence they need to explore new interests and passions through our many chapter-based programs.

National Programs

The BSL Educational Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable arm, which focuses on providing scholarships to college ready students, youth development programs, training and development.

National Programs

Through our national programs Project Alpha, Go To High School, Go To College, and  A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People, we aim to stimulate the ambition of our community, aim to provide equal rights to all within the Greater Hartford Area.

Latest News

Hartford community prayer service seeks safety for city youth during summer
September 17, 2022

Bro. Andre Rochester Making Headlines in CT Fashion
September 10, 2019

As the ban of plastic grocery bags nears in Connecticut, members of the creative community are jumping into the fray...

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Mailing Address

Beta Sigma Lambda Chapter of
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

P.O. Box 891
Hartford, CT 06143

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